AMPCON 2022 was last month. I was there, were you? Hanging out with the likes of René Rodriguez, Rorion Gracie, Brad Lea, Neel Dhingra, and Brian Covey was such an inspiring time filled with insight after insight and lots of laughs!
I don’t know about you, but seeing so many great examples of the importance of speaking from the heart in the right sequence never gets old.
My personal take away from the entire day was the need to get your reps in. Odds are that the first time you try something new, it won’t be pretty. And that’s ok! You have to start somewhere. The most important thing is to start and to keep at it.
  • If you’re wanting to connect with a bigger audience by posting helpful content, you have to start somewhere. What better time to start than now?
  • If you’re writing your first newsletter (like this email I’m writing to you now), it might not come easy, but you need to start somewhere. So, write it!
  • If you’re trying to make sure your virtual interactions are more impactful, start taking steps to help your audience connect with you even more. Start small - get your camera at eye level, get closer to your mic, and make sure you’re not in the shadows.
Whatever it is, start now, and get your reps in! And let us know if we can help. 😄

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